Conic Knots
The shortest distance between any two given points on a surface is known as a “geodesic line” on that surface. Multiple geodesic lines may be drawn on a surface to subdivide it into “geodesic planks.” When unrolled onto a planar surface, geodesic lines become straight and parallel, demarcating the boundaries between contiguous planks. This direct relationship between two dimensional flatness and full-bodied three dimensional form allows conventional dimensional lumber, plastic, or other flat stock to produce various families of smooth and piecewise continuous form.
Because they are curved in one axis and ruled (straight) in the other, cones operate as the geometric interlocutor between the curvilinear and the planar/orthogonal. Conic Knots exhibits two pairs of discrete cones, each tangent to the floor along their lowest generator, which have been trimmed strategically along geodesic lines to produce the resulting pair of sculptural ribbons.
The lower surface is clad with planar plywood panels (or alternatively, bent plywood) that are continuous with the decking plane, and can be used as a seating/reclining surface. The upper surface (inverted peeling cone) is mostly structural, and is clad with a modest fabric canopy at the top for additional shading. The two intersecting surfaces (one implicit and the other explicit) share structural members (embedded in the lower surface, exposed in the upper surface).
TexFab Plasticity Competition
In collaboration with Cameron Wu; Renderings by Max Wong